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  • 2016 AZBio Trailblazer Awards

2016 AZBio Trailblazer Awards

  • Thursday, December 15, 2016
  • 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Phoenix Country Club

Join AZBio, Members of the Arizona Business and Bioscience Community and Guests for a special luncheon to honor members of the Arizona Legislature and State and Local Elected Officials who have made it possible for the Arizona Bioscience Industry to gain national recognition, build capital infrastructure, and take its place as a leader in both scientific discovery and job growth.


 The AZBio Trailblazer Awards

and Legislative Appreciation Luncheon


Each year, AZBio looks back across the legislative session to identify those leaders whose actions and active engagement support the growth of Arizona’s life science and healthcare industry and help to ensure the people of Arizona benefit from its success.  Scores are then tallied and the top ten legislative leaders are named the year’s Trailblazers.

The Arizona BioIndustry Association (AZBio) will honor 10 Arizona Legislators on December 15, 2016 for their service to the community and for championing research, education, innovation, the growth of Arizona’s bioscience sector and ensuring that Arizona patients benefit from life science innovation.  The honorees are recognized by the leaders of Arizona’s bioscience and healthcare community at the 2016 AZBio Trailblazer Awards during a special appreciation luncheon for members, elected officials and legislators.

Each year, AZBio shares with the community the key factors that lead to growth in this vital economic sector.  The 2016 Trailblazer honorees are  selected based on their engagement with the bioscience community as well as committee and voting records on key issues that shape the key bioscience growth factors.

Click here to learn more and to register

"AZBio" is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization 

1800 E. Ray Road, Suite 106 Chandler, AZ 85225

(480) 779-8101

       Copyright 2023:  AZBio, the Arizona Bioindustry Association, Inc.

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